Avon Representative Website – What To Do When You Can’t Access Your Website
Did you try to log into your Avon Representative Website recently only to find that it was closed for essential maintenance? Have you experienced trouble over recent months trying to connect to your account, but end up turning away in frustration? If you can’t access your Avon Representative Website when you need to – what can you do?
Since this happened to me recently, I decided to check out what the problem was and realized that it is not the first time it has happened – and probably won’t be the last.
I needed to place my order before going away for the weekend. I thought I would be clever and post it all the night before. Imagine my annoyance at not being able to connect with Avon one night before the order deadline. I had no choice but to close the site down and try again in the morning. If it had been only a small order, I wouldn’t have minded – but it was the biggest one I had had over the entire summer. Having to make an unscheduled time slot available next morning was seriously stressful and I nearly missed my transport.
So, if you are an Avon Representative and can’t access your website to upload your order, what can you do? Giving Avon the benefit of the doubt that essential work is the reason for closing the multi-million dollar company website, here are some tips to help ease the stress:
1) Don’t wait until the deadline approaches before uploading information into your account when going away. Upload and save details until everything is in and then submit to Avon at least one day early.
2) If you are a new Representative, upload and save your order details, then submit the whole order in one swoop. Placing additional orders results in extra fees to Avon.
3) Use your network. If you happen to receive an extra order just after you submitted yours, ask another Avon Rep to get it for you and vice versa.
4) Pool Resources. If you are a ‘friends and family only’ Avon Rep with a tiny customer base, pool with a friend to buy extra catalogues between you. The more catalogues you get the cheaper they are to buy and you can use the extras to give to new prospects.
5) Pester Avon and demand to know the reason why they can’t choose a more reasonable time to close it.
Fortunately for me, Avon is not my only home based business. I probably would have thrown in the towel had I lost all the order and good-will of my customers. Since taking on an internet marketing business, I have been learning new ways to grow both my on and offline businesses and have acquired the tools and confidence to reach for better and bigger things. If you are interested to learn more, make yourself a coffee, pull up a chair and click on the following link. http://www.earnyourwealth.co.uk If you are locked out of your Avon Representative website, now you know what to do when you can’t access your website!