Noni Juice Research – Is This Your Supplement of Choice?

Noni juice research was first conducted in the year 1972 and it was a Maria Stewart, a scientist, who revealed that the native Hawaiians often use the noni fruit as medicine for curing many diseases. R.M. Heinicke, professor from the University of Hawaii was interested in the fruit’s medical values and he started a research into its properties. After twenty years of research he published his report which concluded that the noni fruit contained a strange substance. As a result, public interest in the fruit was aroused. A company named Morinda that derives its name from the scientific name of noni, Morinda citrifolia, started noni juice research and supplying the juice to consumers.

The noni juice is best taken direct from the fruit as this ensures that the highly volatile elements of the fruit are not lost. The nutrients present in noni fruits are highly volatile and they all tend to evaporate during pureeing, dehydration or juicing. But freeze drying or lypholization is a very effective process that is as good as fresh juice. It is a process where the fruit is frozen and part of the water is removed to kill bacteria and the fruits are transported in this manner. As a result of this degeneration, the fruit’s properties are not affected by sunlight, microbes, air and moisture.

Noni juice is really effective in treating ailments like arthritis, nausea, dysentery, asthma, colic, lumbago and cough. It also causes enhances the physical and mental health, and boosts the energy levels for better performance during sexual encounters. The immune system of the body gets a huge boost through the supply of rich composition of vitamins and nutrients. Polynesian Islanders put the fruits and leaves to cure skin problems like lesions, boils etc. The natives in Japan, Hawaii and China have been using noni to cure several ailments like problems of the stomach, ulcers, throat infection and even respiratory disorders.

Noni juice results in an increased level of mental alertness also. Noni fruit juice also helps in the production of hormones, strengthening bones, preventing premature aging, and improving the cardiovascular health. Since the juice has dietary fibers and natural sugars, so it proves to be beneficial for a diabetic individual in recovering from a diabetic shock.

The tree grows up to 30 feet in a large variety of habitats and is a native of Southeast Asia, but can be found in a number of other nearby locations like India and the Pacific Islands. Its small white flowers give rise to fruit that is bright green when young, and yellow or white when ripe. It is soft and dripping with juice and has a distinctive, pungent odor.

Noni juice research shows that one should drink at least two ounces of one hundred percent pure Noni Juice every day for the best effect. One can have more but should not exceed 21 ounces a day. Noni juice research has also indicated that a proper intake of noni juice lowers stress levels and increases muscle mass.