Jeep Overland Limited Jogging Stroller
Just because you have a new baby, it does not mean you can’t stay active. If you are used to running, then take a look at the Jeep Overland Limited Jogging Stroller and see just how easy it could be to go running with your baby.
The popularity of jogging strollers has really increased as more and more people are realising that they can not only go out and about with their baby, but that they can also go running if they want to. So if you are quite sporty and simply love to run, then you can now easily take your baby with you, knowing that they will be safe and secure.
One thing that many people have found to be an issue when out jogging with their baby is that they love to listen to music, but of course with a standard ipod you run the risk of not being able to hear your baby clearly which is obviously a worry. Luckily this model overcomes the problem by fitting a ‘music on the move’ tray. Using this will enable you to plug in your ipod, cellphone or any other device that uses a headphone type socket, and have music whilst you run.
Occasionally users have mentioned that the music can be a little hard to hear in some particularly noisy environments, but in the main the noise level is satisfactory and not loud enough to cause a nuisance when you are jogging in a residential area.
The Overland has a fixed front wheel which to some can seem cumbersome. However it does give your baby a more comfortable ride over rougher terrains, and should you want to use your jogging stroller for walking only at any time and find yourself having to turn a tight corner, you just need to momentarily raise the front wheel so you can turn the stroller on its back wheels. So this particular running stroller is great for allowing you to go running in just about any terrain, and also for some day to day walking, running errands et, but maybe not if you want to use it just for occasional jogging.
The Jeep Overland is quite large when it is folded up, but the manufacturers have over come this issue by making both the front and back wheels easy to remove. This way you will be able to put the stroller in the back of most cars quite easily. It does fold up quickly, and can be stored in an upright folded position as well.
Another good feature of the stroller is that it provides decent storage space, which as any parent will know is absolutely essential when going out and about with a baby.
You have space to store a couple of water bottles to use during your exercise period, and also odometer so you can keep a check on distance you have run and speed etc.
Obviously if you are only going to be jogging now and again, so mainly want to use your stroller for day to day activities, then buying a jogging stroller may not be the best thing for you. However, you need to realise that you are simply not able to jog with a standard stroller, so if you want to go out running with your baby, a jogging stroller is definitely the way to go.