How to Choose a Swimming School

How to Choose a Swimming School

In terms of swimming, Brooklyn offers excellent instruction and sports facilities. Many of Brooklyn’s diverse neighborhoods have year-round swimming classes. Sport centers and private swimming schools in New York City provide aquatic instruction and indoor swimming in the city’s most populous borough. Here landlubber adults can overcome their fear of water, while children and toddlers can get satisfaction from learning how to swim.

New York is a large city, and due to this there is a great variety of water activities. Everyone can choose an affordable option for swimming: the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation offers free lessons in swimming throughout the whole year at city pools along with some social organizations that provide aquatics and swimming lessons for children, teens and adults. But those who value the personal approach of a qualified swimming instructor, choose a private swimming school, where quality is above price. Brooklyn offers many schools of swimming, so how to choose the one that would cater best for you? Let us think which advice and guidelines would be helpful in choosing the best for you.

Swimming is a valuable skill that in many cases is a lifesaver. If you are looking for a swimming school for your child or for yourself, here are some things to be kept in mind:

What should be included in lessons for swimming:

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, for children under 4 years old all aquatics programs should include:

• Strategies for prevention of drowning.

• Information regarding the motor and cognitive limitations of toddlers and infants.

• The adults’ role in monitoring and supervising children in water.

• Explanation of the risks of water.

Swimming lessons

Adults and older children have to be grouped based on their age, individual ability and development level. If beginners work in small groups with certified instructors, they learn basic swimming techniques such as breathing, general water safety, leg and arm movements, and later on – various strokes, as they get more confident and experienced in a swimming pool.

Choosing a swimming class

For those who want to learn to swim, Brooklyn has much to offer. But how can you find a right class that will satisfy you? Ask a doctor, former students or other parents for a piece of advice. Talk to the instructor and program supervisor beforehand, and observe the class before signing up.

Other points to be kept in mind are:

• Schedule: Do the swim classes take place after another activity? Won’t you be tired by the time you get to class? Find a class that fits into your schedule.

• Class placement: What skills is placement based on? Will your child and/or you be with other swimmers of the same age and skill set? Otherwise you/your child may not feel comfortable.

• Instructors’ credentials: How are the instructors trained and what certificates do they hold? Do they know cardiopulmonary resuscitation? A certified lifeguard on duty should also be there at all times.

• Size: How many people are in one swimming group? For kids, the rule of a thumb is 1 instructor for every 6 preschoolers or 8-grade students. This allows each student to get individual attention and instruction.

Choosing a swimming school should be taken seriously: no matter how much research you do, be sure that you will eventually learn new skills you can practice.