Before You Call A Professional Dryer Repair Service: Dryer Vent Cleaning Tips

Before You Call A Professional Dryer Repair Service: Dryer Vent Cleaning Tips

Dryer Vent Cleaning Tips

Think you need to hire someone to preform a dryer repair because you don’t know anything about dryer vent cleaning?

This is an easy problem to overcome whether you’re a natural at repairs or if you’re just a regular Joe or Jane! While same day appliance repair is almost always available and very convenient, read on for helpful advice and knowledge about the tools you need to conduct basic clothes dryer repairs on your own.

Why clean your dryer vent?

It’s pretty counterproductive to wash your clothes, only to have them emerge from the dryer smelling worse than they did before. This could be because of a dirty vent. When these are not properly cleaned out, the heat of the clothes could create small fires on the lint, filling the machine with a bad smell.

Let’s face it, when you spend all that time and effort out of your busy schedule to gather your dirty clothes, put them in the washer, dry them and fold them and hang them up, you want to make sure they smell and feel fresh and clean. Not damp and wrinkled, which is the outcome you get when you have a dryer with a dirty vent!

Dryer vent cleaning tips

Make sure that your dryer is unplugged before you start the cleaning process. Double check that the gas is off as well if you have a gas dryer. (Safety first!)

Once you pull the machine away from the wall, you can reach the vent and should use a screwdriver to loosen the dryer vent clamp enough that you can slide the vent off. Now here’s the fun part of dryer vent cleaning! Reach as far as you can into the hole in the back of the machine and pull out any lint and buildup in the vent. You can use your vacuum’s hose attachment for a very thorough cleaning. Repeat the cleaning process on the tubing you just removed.

Make sure you check the outer edges of the vent and the hose, as this is where most of the buildup will be. Look through the vent and tube to see if you missed anything before you re attach the dryer vent clamp. To complete a dryer vent cleaning, run your dryer for about ten minutes with nothing inside. This clear the machine of any debris left over from the cleaning.

So you’ve tried all the tricks but you still think you might need a professional cleaning?

If you think you need a professional dryer vent cleaning, or the tips in the article haven’t helped you solve your problems, don’t worry! Even if you can’t fix your dryer yourself, knowing what the problem is, saves you time and money by helping your technician identify the issue.