An Introduction to Jogging

An Introduction to Jogging

Jogging is one of the best exercise workouts you can participate in. Not only do joggers see immediate results in their outer appearance, they also feel a change physically.

So why are so many people reluctant to jog as a form as exercise? It’s mainly because it takes time and effort to reach a level where you are actually jogging. Most people can’t begin a treadmill workout at 5.0 MPR, and they don’t want to work their way up to a fast pace. As a result, they give up, and that’s a shame. Getting to the point in your routine where you are jogging at a quick speed takes patients, and your efforts are well worth it in the end. To get excited about jogging, try one of the following recommendations.

Set a goal. When you shoot for a goal, you’re more likely to finish what you started. To ensure that you follow through on building the endurance you need, keep your goal realistic and attainable.

Here’s a realistic goal: Walk for five minutes and jog for two minutes until you complete a 30-minute workout.

Here’s an unrealistic goal: Run for three miles without stopping in my first week of exercising.

Pace yourself: You don’t have to jog every day. In fact, it’s always a good idea to give your joints time to rest. When you are beginner jogger, it’s advisable to jog (or do a jog-walk combination) three times a week for 20 minutes.

If you have been sedentary for a while, it will take time for you to get into the groove of exercising. Just remember that when you feel like throwing your hands up in the air, keep on trudging along. You’ll be proud of yourself for putting in the effort.